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CTA Process Overview

The goal of this document is to:

  1. Outline what a CTA-process entails.
  2. Divide ownership of various tasks between the different actors in a CTA-process.


Term Description
Cloud Enablement Department responsible for AWS Operations. You can reach CE via
Customer facing employee The employee in direct contact with the customer. Typically a salesperson.
CTA Concent To Assignment. The process of transferring formal ownership of an account.


The customer facing employee is responsible for managing the process.

Cloud Enablement will complete the actions we can complete, but following up, keeping track of current status, etc. is the responsibility of the customer facing employee.


# Process Description Owner
1 Initial meeting Short initial meeting between Cloud Enablement and sales to plan the process Customer facing
2 Order Account Customer/customer facing employee makes an Account Transfer Request through CloudIQ Customer facing
3 Read-Only Access Only applicable if CrayonBoundary will be applied. Customer gives Cloud Enablement read-only access to their account. Customer facing
4 Review Only applicable if CrayonBoundary will be applied. Review the account for compatibility with Crayon setup Cloud Enablement
5 CTA-form Fill in the CTA-form with the customer. Customer facing
6 Apply Send the CTA-form to the AWS APN-team. Cloud Enablement
7 Root Access Change the root user e-mail to the e-mail specified in the order form Customer
8 Remove MFA Remove MFA from the root user Customer
9 Enroll Enroll the account in SPP via the AWS APN-team Cloud Enablement
10 Complete Configure the account, activate in Operations, deliver to customer Cloud Enablement